The Chioma States Afonne Foundation (TCSAF) embarked on an outreach mission to the Mpape community, with a keen focus on understanding the specific needs of the children and offering aid to bolster their overall well-being. Our interactions brought us to the doors of the Dynasty Kids Orphanage Home (DKOH). From conversations with the caregivers, we were informed about some children grappling with unpaid school fees from the prior term. To address this, we ascertained the outstanding amount, cross-referenced student details with the school’s records, and settled the dues. This measure was not only to uphold transparency with TCSAF’s stakeholders but also to steadfastly ensure that financial constraints didn’t hinder these Nigerian children from accessing education.
During our recent expedition, our dedicated team of six volunteers collectively ensured that the children received the necessary opportunities and support. We provisioned essential amenities for 36 children at the Dynasty Kids Orphanage Home. While only 10 children were present during our visit as the rest were in school, they gratefully collected items that included bags of rice, salt, cartons of biscuits, loaves of bread, hygiene products, and cooking essentials. Our overarching aim remains to foster an environment where these young souls can flourish on all fronts – physically, mentally, and emotionally.
We derive immense fulfillment from elevating the educational experiences of these children and are profoundly thankful for the chance to cater to their fundamental needs. We firmly believe that given the right opportunities and support, these children possess the latent potential to carve their own destinies and leave an indelible mark on their communities and the broader society. The Chioma States Afonne Foundation remains steadfast in its commitment to cherish, support, and uplift the lives of these underprivileged individuals, guaranteeing a luminous future for every child.